Welcome all NEW MEMBERS! I think you have come to the school at the best time. We are just about to start a new class for level one and we just launched our new service the PRO Watchlist and Trade Ideas. Like I have always said, the best way to get the most use of any of the resources we offer you is to dig into the library lessons, watch as many archived classes and journal what you learn as much as possible and what you will begin to see is how you an trade these markets very successfully as many of our student already have been.
If you want to have a look at our complete archive of pre-recorded classes and all the sessions within them you can have a look. Some of you have reached out to me after having done this routine and are completely amazed by how much information you’ve gathered from the sessions. You will want to do this as it’s in your own interest and who know maybe some more lockdowns will come our way so you’ll have plenty of time to dig in. I hope you do as I am expecting this year to be a great year for trading. I see many nice long term setups taking place now and this will bring many opportunities our way.
So dig in and I’ll see you in class!
Kevin Araujo