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🏰👨‍🎓 👩‍🎓 Student Intro: Alex from Venezuela

👨‍🎓 Alex M. Writes

Hello all, I´ve been doing trading for about a year, trying to learn as many things as possible from books and online free information that is available. Reading “The art of currency trading” I found the COT report, with an amazing correlation with the movement of the price. When I looked for it in the internet I found you…and since then It´s been quite helpful. I hope to learn as much as possible. I am from Vzla.

🏛️👨‍🏫 Professor writes:

Hey Alex very glad to have you with us at the school. Many people find us through learning about the COT report and #CFTC data. This is the start of their journey with us because then they find out that supply/demand analysis plays such an important role in discovering what the big traders are doing in these markets.

Hope your loving what we are teaching you!




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