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Writer's pictureWhite Oak University

"Kevin is light years ahead of the majority of us!"

👩‍🎓👨‍🎓🎙 TESTIMONIAL from FREE one month Winner:

Sheldon writes:

Hi There, Before I give my thoughts I should set out that I was granted one months free access to Level One of the education here. Furthermore, I have taken no trades and have paid little attention to the lessons/posts detailing trade setups or signals. My focus has purely been on attempting to learn the market dynamics that form the fundamental teachings of supply and demand trading. I have immensely enjoyed my first month as a member here. The site is professionally laid out, well administered and the content is clean and concise. I have stormed through much of the back catalog of classroom sessions as well as many of the video lessons during my membership. I have previous experience with supply and demand trading but have never really clicked with it. However, the fundamentals of the principle are well explained here and that has really dropped a lot of things into place in my mind which has been of great benefit. I have had limited personal interaction with Kevin however when we have conversed over email or during classroom sessions I have found him to be attentive and patient. The highest praise based on the material that I have consumed here that I can put Kevin's way is that he is consistent. That is probably the most important attribute that a teacher/leader can have in this industry. Too many times in the past ten years I have seen an almost cult like obsession form around so called 'experts' with students not wishing to ask questions or teachers shying away from questioning coming their way. I make no secret of the fact that I have looked out for these traits during this trial period on the site and also for any inconsistencies in the teaching as I believe that to be sensible due diligence. I can say that I have found no evidence of that here - Kevin answers all students questions and has replied to a majority of the posts that I have placed in the forums seeking advice. Furthermore his teaching of concepts is consistent from one video to the next. On the evidence collected by myself this month I conclude that Kevin truly is here to teach what he has learnt and is not out to collect monthly payments to fund a losing Forex account like many of those operating 'educational' websites of their own. The greatest endorsement I can give is that I will be signing up for a paid membership on Monday when my free trial expires. Does Kevin know it all? Doubtful? Is this the 'Holy Grail'? Of course not. I tell you though that Kevin is light years ahead of the majority of us and has worked extensively hard to build such a comprehensive understanding of the 'composite man' and how he operates in the marketplace. Thank you Kevin for the risk free opportunity to join your school. I look forward to making much progress here in the coming years and eventually earning the freedom that we all crave!


Well informative feedback for anyone aspiring to become a trader and is looking for good education. You have detailed many aspects that a trader should look for when committing to education that is worth their while. Thanks a lot for this. I am sure this will help other to determine if this is the right place for them to be. I asked you to write an "honest" testimonial because that is what is helpful for all of us. I am a regular person that makes mistakes, but if i make them i want to fix them and discover why i made them in the first place, so your feedback was really amazing. Now I am just wondering what forum posts you made that I missed. 😥 Thanks so much! Kevin


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