I often speak about how the school system, that most of us participated in, was directly responsible for molding our brains in a way that was not very helpful to us in the least. Our minds were programed to not look deeper into things, to not question “authority”, to not take certain subjects seriously and not to not have any interest in learning. This is why it is so important that we build our own knowledge, to program our own minds so that we know how to learn, how to extract information where once it seemed there wasn’t any. Knowing what we now know, it is our duty to make sure that we don’t send our children down the same paths that we followed. We want to provide for our family and there are more ways to do that than just financially, emotionally and providing the basic needs.
One of the greatest things we can do for our family is to build a family library. This library will act as a source of incredible information that will provide knowledge, understanding and eventually wisdom for your family’s future. The contents of this library should include books on history, science, natural science, mathematics, philosophy, and theology and or course health. You can include other topics that interest you as the library is meant to be built upon as time passes. This library will stand the test of time and will act as a resource of knowledge that will help guide you and your family. When our days are over, we pass on the library to the eldest child and they keep the tradition going onwards.
Now imagine the power of creating lifelong learners within your family!? Imagine their potential. The possibilities are endless. This is how many families survived and created long lasting healthy, happy and educated lives. I have created my family library and I wish you the very same!
Kevin Araujo