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🚨 This one SHIFT 🤔 in your Thinking 🧠 will change you Trading... for the good!

🚨 This one SHIFT 🤔 in your Thinking 🧠 will change you Trading... for the good!

🎩 Hey folks, in this episode I bring your the idea of looking at a stock chart as if you would a relationship. Why do i do this? Because you likely know what it takes to commit to a relationship, you know what is required for you to have trust in it, so you can apply that knowledge to the charts, if you know how to look at it. When you apply the thinking you'll:

🔸 $MSFT example is used in this session.

🔸 know when to commit to a trade.

🔸 know when to get out because a bigger downfall is likely to take place.

🔸 when to commit back to a stock after a significant drop.

🔸 know when to add more trust 😉 or positions to your overall core holdings.

🔸 so much more you can get from this episode, watch and see.

🎩 Thanks for watching our weekday shows at 8am EST, see you next time.



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